The evaluation of Higher Education Institutions was established by Law No. 10,861/2004 with the aim of constantly improving the quality of higher education.
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Own Evaluation Committee – CPA
The evaluation of Higher Education Institutions was instituted by Law nº 10.861/2004, which created the National Higher Education Assessment System (SINAES) with the aim of constantly improving the quality of higher education. This evaluation process consists of three main components: (i) evaluation of higher education institutions, whether external or internal; (ii) evaluation of undergraduate courses; and (iii) assessment of student performance, implemented through the National Student Performance Examination (ENADE).
The evaluation of higher education institutions, the first component of SINAES, called institutional evaluation, is carried out in internal and external modalities.
External institutional evaluation is carried out in loco by commissions designated by INEP (National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira) for the purposes of accreditation and re-accreditation of higher education institutions.
On the other hand, the internal institutional assessment, called self-assessment, is carried out by the Institution’s Own Assessment Committee (CPA), constituted by an act of the Institution’s top manager, and comprises a continuous process of building knowledge about the institutional reality that, rather than merely fulfilling a legal requirement, it is characterized as an activity with a clear and explicit purpose of providing subsidies for the planning of actions with a view to improving the quality of education carried out by the institution.
In accordance with guidelines issued by CONAES (National Commission for the Evaluation of Higher Education), the CPA prepares a partial report in the intermediate years of each cycle, as well as a complete report at the end of each evaluation cycle, based on the dimensions recommended in the Law of SINAES.
Such reports are then forwarded to the Institution’s management bodies, which will plan academic-administrative actions in order to overcome possible weaknesses detected and maximize the identified potential, thus characterizing institutional self-assessment as a continuous process of building knowledge of reality institutional.

The assumptions of institutional evaluation at UNIARP date back to 1993, still as a campus of the University of Contestado (UnC), following its evaluation cycles until 2010, when the Campus de Caçador ceased to be part of the Universidade do Contestado, changing its name to the Alto Vale do Rio do Peixe University (UNIARP).
The Alto Vale do Rio do Peixe University started its institutional self-assessment process in 2010, with the appointment of the first Own Assessment Commission and the elaboration of its Institutional Assessment Project. Thus, within the scope of UNIARP, 4 evaluation cycles have already been consolidated: 2009-2011, 2012-2014, 2015-2017 and 2018-2020. Currently, the institution is in its fifth evaluation cycle, which covers the years 2021 to 2023.
For the 2021-2023 assessment cycle, CPA updated the Institutional Assessment Project of the Institution, expanding its range of activities that involve institutional self-assessment, self-assessment of the Institution’s courses, monitoring the implementation of the goals defined in the Institution’s PDI and the monitoring of external evaluation indicators.
Faculty Representatives:
- Carlos Alberto Zorzo, coordenador
- Ana Claudia Lunelli Moro
- Mayne Francieli Gonçalves
- Juliano Nascimento dos Passos
Student Body Representatives:
- Pedro Vinícius Barreto
- Marcos Vinícius Folador
Employee Representatives:
- Adriana Wolff Crestani
- Claudineia Suszek
- Giuliano Menger
- Rolff Cararo Schultz
Civil Society Representative:
- Claudinei Bertotto
Main goal
- Promote a process of formative and systematic self-assessment of UNIARP to identify strengths and weaknesses that will support improvement strategies for the constitution of a quality teaching, research and extension university.
Specific objectives
- Contribute to the creation of an evaluative culture, sensitizing and making the academic community aware of the meaning and relevance of institutional evaluation;
- Assess the coherence between the institutional mission, objectives and policies, as well as the actions implemented by the Institution;
- Understand the institutional reality from the axes and dimensions of SINAES;
- Collect subsidies for the planning of academic-administrative actions with a view to improving the management and quality of education carried out by the institution.