UNIARP encourages research through the FAP through the promotion of both academic and faculty projects, through scholarships.
A UNIARP incentiva a pesquisa através do FAP por meio da promoção de projetos tanto acadêmicos quanto de docentes, através de bolsas de estudo.

– How does FAP work?
UNIARP has research as one of the foundations on which it is built. Research is understood in the institution as a determining factor for the maintenance and improvement of the quality of teaching and extension.
The Research Support Fund was created based on article 72 of the UNIARP General Regulation. The objective is to encourage activities that promote the development of scientific research within the scope of UNIARP.
To this end, FAP helps professors to develop research projects; the introduction of undergraduate students in Scientific Initiation activities; the dissemination of excellent scientific production from UNIARP professors and students.

Who can apply?
O edital de seleção de projetos de pesquisa docente é aberto semestralmente. Para participar é necessário preencher um formulário e enviar a documentação solicitada em edital. Neste caso, quem o responsável pela inscrição do projeto é o professor orientador, o qual selecionará o bolsista de iniciação científica.
- Have a researcher profile and be in full research activity, evidenced by their recent intellectual production, so that their academic competence is proven through the presentation of the updated curriculum vitae, Lattes – CNPq style resume;
- Preferably have the title of Doctor or Master;
- Have experience compatible with the role of coordinator and trainer of qualified human resources;
- Protocol, according to the specific public notice, a relevant research project, endowed with technical and economic feasibility, accompanied by the detailed work plan to be carried out by the selected student(s) with a maximum duration of 12 months , linked to the University’s research lines;
- Have availability of 8 (eight) hours per week to guide the project – and present evidence to do so.
After the project is approved, the supervisor is responsible for selecting students, who will develop scientific initiation activities. To act as a scientific initiation scholarship, the academic must meet the following requirements:
- Be regularly enrolled in an undergraduate course, and be attending at least the second semester of your course;
- Not being in the last semester of the course;
- Have good academic performance;
- Have availability of 20 hours per week for dedication to the research project.

Ongoing projects
Find out more about the projects that UNIARP students are currently working on.
Closed projects
Get to know the projects that have already been finished and see the results of the survey

Public notices
Download the guidelines for preparing research projects from the links below.

Editais do FAP
Here you can access FAP documents and all the forms necessary to register for FAP scholarships.
Check here the document with the regulations of the UNIARP Research Support Fund.
Informações do Projeto:
Ofício de Substituição de Acadêmico(A) Bolsista / Professor(A) Orientador(A):
Relatório Trimestral:
Relatório Final:
Ficha Avaliativa Docente:
Ficha Avaliativa Discente:
Ficha de Análise do Projeto Submetido (exclusivo para coordenadores):
Coordenação de Pós-Graduação, Pesquisa e Internacionalização
Prof.ª Dra. Rosana Claudio Silva Ogoshi
Local: Sala da Coordenação de Pós-Graduação, Pesquisa e Internacionalização, 3° andar – Bloco D, ao lado do NIT.
Segunda a Sexta-feira:
13h00min às 17h30min e das 18h30min às 22h00min.
Telefone: 3561-6200