The UNIARP University Library has a total of 45.302 titles and 72.995 volumes.
A Biblioteca Universitária da UNIARP tem um total de 45.110 títulos e 92.326 volumes.

Our digital collection has thousands of copies available for academics to consult and use. Click below to do your research!

Comendador Primo Tedesco Library
The library was founded in 1972, initially operating in one of the rooms at Colégio Nossa Senhora Aparecida. In 1975, the Library was transferred to the FEARPE building. More than 30 years after the donation of the first collection, the University Library is today a reference for the academic community and the population in general.
The site has a total of 45.302 titles and 72.995 volumes. In 2008, the Library underwent renovations to receive the Knowledge Industry project, promoted by SESI Nacional and carried out in Caçador, by the FIESC System in partnership with the University.
The Campus Library also received ten new computers with Internet access. The inauguration took place on September 11, 2008, with the presence of the sociologist and former president of the Republic, Fernando Henrique Cardoso. In the revitalization works of the University Library, all the shelves and spaces for reading were readjusted. Three cabins for individual or group studies were installed, a new ergonomic lending desk and four new consultation terminals.
The place received a multimedia projector, sound system, DVD player, thermal printers to speed up the procedures for borrowing, returning and renewing the collection’s materials, shelves, among other materials.

Library regulations
Collection Development Policy
Donation Policy

Free Database
We have over 40 databases and search portals available for scholars to use. Access here and use at will.
Our services
Currently, the UNIARP university library offers three services: COMUT, SINBAC and SCIELO. Below you will find the description of each of them.
It allows obtaining copies of technical-scientific documents available in the collections of the main Brazilian libraries. To use Comut, the user just needs to go to the Library Commutation Service or the Nuclei in possession of the reference of the desired document.
If you prefer, you can ask by e-mail: The amount charged for this service is R$ 2.20 for every 5 photocopied pages, including postage costs.
The ACAFE System Integrated Library System aims to integrate the collection of the libraries participating in the ACAFE System, offering simultaneous consultation service to the collections of all libraries participating in the project and loan between libraries.
The Scientific Electronic Library Online – SciELO is an electronic library that encompasses a selected collection of Brazilian scientific journals.

Contact us
Telefone: (49) 3561-6212
Segunda a Sexta: 08h00 às 22h00.
Sábados: 09h00 às 15h00.