CEP is the Ethics and Research Committee of UNIARP, which has the goal of evaluating the research projects that are sent to the institution.


O CEP é o Comitê de Ética e Pesquisa da UNIARP, que tem o objetivo de avaliar os projetos de pesquisa que são enviados para a instituição.

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What is it

How does the CEP work?

The Research Ethics Committee (CEP) – is a multidisciplinary and independent collegiate of the University of Alto Vale do Rio do Peixe that receives and evaluates research projects involving human beings and animals. In the board, it has members from the areas of health, exact sciences, social and humanities, who evaluate projects in their respective areas of knowledge according to the guidelines and standards established by the National Health Council.

It was created to defend the interests of subjects in their integrity and dignity and to contribute to the development of research within ethical and scientific standards. The CEP is responsible for evaluating and monitoring the ethical aspects of all research involving human beings.

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Check here the documents necessary for a better understanding of the functioning of the CEP. These are useful manuals and templates.

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Group 567-min



Accordion Content
Apresentação da Plataforma Brasil:

Realizando o Cadastro de Usuário:

Cadastro Instituição na Plataforma Brasil:

O cadastro do Pesquisador e do Assistente:

Submissão de Projeto na Plataforma Brasil – Etapa 1:

Submissão de Projeto na Plataforma Brasil – Etapa 2:

Submissão de Projeto na Plataforma Brasil – Etapa 3:

Resposta de Pendências na Plataforma Brasil:

Submissão de Recursos em projetos na Plataforma Brasil:

Prazos de tramitação na Plataforma Brasil:

Confira o Calendário de Reuniões do CEP abaixo:

Calendário CEP 2025

Talk to the coordination


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Quintas-feiras: das 19h às 22h