The CEUA is the Ethics Committee for the Use of Animals of UNIARP and works to ensure the conscious use of animals for academic purposes at the institution.
O CEUA é o Comitê de Ética com Uso de Animais da UNIARP e trabalha para garantir o uso consciente de animais para fins acadêmicos na instituição.

What is it
How does CEUA work?
The UNIARP Ethics Committee on the Use of Animals (CEUA-UNIARP) was established on February 1, 2019 and obtained accreditation through Opinion No. 111/2019/CONCEA/MCTIC. Its attributions and powers are defined in accordance with the provisions of Law 11,794/08 and in resolutions of the National Council for the Control of Animal Experimentation (CONCEA).
The CEUA-UNIARP is made up of representatives from the areas of health, biological, veterinary medicine, and a representative of a non-governmental organization for the defense of animals. It is a Commission linked to the Dean of Research and Graduate Studies, with its own regiment. The purpose of the committee is to comply with and enforce the provisions of the legislation applicable to the creation or use of animals for teaching and research, characterizing its role as educational, advisory, advisory and inspection in matters relating to this topic.
The objective is not to inhibit the use of animals, but to promote rational use, always seeking to refine techniques and replace models that allow for a reduction in the use of animals. The purpose of this conduct is to promote the constant improvement in the efficiency of the use of animals, both in research and in teaching. All research projects and practical lesson plans involving the use of animals, within the scope of UNIARP, must be submitted for analysis by the CEUA, and can only be executed upon approval.
The projects and lesson plans will be forwarded to a rapporteur, who will prepare a substantiated opinion regarding the adequacy to bioethical principles and legal guidelines for the use of animals in research and teaching. This opinion will be appreciated and discussed at a plenary meeting of the Commission, which will issue the final opinion. The CEUA ordinarily meets every thirty days, according to the meeting schedule.

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Documents that must be sent to CEUA for research project evaluation:
1. Consent of the Laboratory Coordinator (template)
2. Disclaimer (template)
3. Term of Commitment (template)
4. Unified form for requesting authorization for the use of animals in teaching/research or development of didactic resources CEUA/UNIARP (template)
5. Research Project (template)
• If the project is developed using animals that have owners, a Free and Informed Consent Form must be inserted (suggested template);
• Fill out the protocol for requesting amendments to a research project if there is a need to change the deadline, sample number, change in methodology, inclusion or exclusion of researchers in the project (template)
• If the project is developed in other units and/or institutions and/or public or private bodies, a Term of Authorization for the location must be inserted;
Final report:
This form must be sent to CEUA after the research project or practical class has ended.
1. Follow-up report on the use of experimental animals in research projects (template)
* The deadline for delivery of the Final Report is up to 30 days after the end of the research/practical class.
Teacher, this form should be used for practical classes of any level: undergraduate, graduate, courses, training and the like. Before completing the documents listed below, the “Submission Guidelines” should be read to avoid bureaucratic issues.
Documents that must be sent to CEUA for evaluation of the use of animals in Classes:
1. Consent of the Laboratory Coordinator (template)
2. Term of Responsibility for practical classes (template);
3. Practical class protocol submission form to CEUA (template)
4. Unified form for requesting authorization for the use of animals in teaching/research or development of didactic resources CEUA/UNIARP (template)
Final report
This form must be sent to CEUA after the research project or practical class has ended.
1. Follow-up report on the use of experimental animals in research projects (template)
The deadline for delivery of the Final Report is up to 30 days after the end of the research/practical class.

Additional Support Materials
Check here the materials that are necessary to submit a research project to the Ethics Committee in the Use of Animals.

Claudriana Locatelli
Doutora em Farmácia
Atendimento via e-mail: