Communication and Marketing

Here you will find all relevant materials and information about UNIARP’s marketing and press sector.

Communication and Marketing

Aqui você vai encontrar todos os materiais e informações pertinentes sobre o setor de marketing e imprensa da UNIARP.

Group 567-min


Discover our sector

The communication of Universidade Alto Vale do Rio do Peixe is carried out by AGECOM – Communication and Marketing Agency. This agency, or sector, includes the marketing and press teams. The marketing team is responsible for creating all of UNIARP’s visual communication, in addition to social networks. The press does all the communication advice, interaction with journalistic vehicles, dissemination of important information about the institution, etc. In this part of the site, some essential information is available for understanding the University’s communication and marketing.


Graphic material

This page shows the criteria for the correct application of the visual identity of the UNIARP brand. If necessary, AGECOM can assist during the implementation of the projects. The use of these rules directly contributes to the strengthening of the brand’s visual communication, establishing an effective understanding on the part of everyone. Any modifications must be consulted and approved by AGECOM.

Want to advertise on UNIARP’s murals?

We provide an advertising space for advertisements. If you are interested in advertising on UNIARP’s bulletin boards, feel free to send us a message.

(49) – 3561 6200

Communication and Marketing


Information for the Press Office

The UNIARP Press Office is the body responsible for publicizing the University’s institutional matters and for serving media professionals. It also discloses administrative, academic and institutional information to the internal and external public. Do you have suggestions for articles or want to publicize your research? Contact the Press Office.

(49) – 3561 6200

(49) – 3561 6200