Formas de Ingresso » Uniarp


Learn more about the admission forms available to become a successful UNIARP student!

Entrance Exam

Entrance exam

One of the most common ways to enter college is through the Vestibular, and the Universidade Alto Vale do Rio do Peixe is no different. Annually, UNIARP takes the entrance exam together with the ACAFE system and opens enrollment. There are two selectives during the year, one for each semester: the winter one, in the middle of the year, and the summer one, at the beginning of the year.


Selective process

Access the UNIARP selective website and check all the information about the process;

Choose the course you want to enroll in. UNIARP has 17 options for on-site graduation between the campuses of Caçador and Fraiburgo.

Follow the steps on the website to complete your registration and wait. You will receive more information in the email to test the selection process.


External transfer requests:

UNIARP also offers the option of external transfer for those who want to start studying with us. Download the job application application from the link below!


For those who already have a degree

If you are already graduated and want to do another degree with UNIARP, we have different processes to facilitate your registration. Download the resolution and application for diploma holders from the links on the side.

Doc Portador de Diploma 2013



We are always looking for alternatives to facilitate access and permanence of the student who comes to us, offering support services, with adequate service to the profile and needs of its users. The Student Support Service guides requests for scholarships, forwards to internships, helps to find housing, among other services. Learn more about our scholarship options!

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Quer esclarecer algum ponto ou pedir alguma informação? Entre em contato com a nossa equipe, estamos prontos para te atender!

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