Residência Médica » Uniarp

Medicine Residency

Medical students who wish to do the Medical Residency as part of their professional training can enroll in the UNIARP program.



Established by Decree No. 80,281, of September 5, 1977, medical residency is a postgraduate teaching modality aimed at physicians, in the form of a specialization course. It works in health institutions, under the guidance of medical professionals with high ethical and professional qualifications.

The PRM (Medical Residency Program), fully completed within a particular specialty, grants the resident physician the title of specialist.


Check out the specials available

Medical clinic

Latu sensu postgraduate degree in Internal Medicine

The Alto Vale do Rio do Peixe University offers a lato sensu postgraduate course for graduates in medicine with a specialization in Internal Medicine. The focus of this service is to train specialists in Internal Medicine focused on training and in-hospital care.


Meet the hospital

Associação Franco Brasileira – Hospital Maicé has 135 inpatient beds, 20 ICU beds, and 04 operating rooms, spread over 10,252.42 square meters of built area. The institution is used by the academics of the residency.



The acronym COREME stands for Medical Residency Commission.
It is responsible for offering, within its service, adequate conditions for the good training of the resident physician,

being responsible for approving the body of preceptors and, ultimately, for enforcing the CNRM Resolutions (National Commission for Medical Residency).

PCP Medical Clinic

Learn more about the UNIARP Medical Residency program and the Internal Medicine regulations.

PCP Medical Clinic

Public notices

Space reserved for the publication and dissemination of notices related to the Medical Residency.


Contact information



Segunda a Sexta-feira das 13h às 17h / Quartas-feiras das 19 às 22h


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