Serviço de Apoio ao Estudante » Uniarp

SAE - Student Support Service

SAE exists with the objective of helping and informing UNIARP academics to provide a good experience with the institution.



Do you need assistance from the Student Support Service on any issue? Contact us and ask your questions!



UNIARP is always looking for alternatives to enable not only access, but mainly, the permanence of the student who comes to it, offering support services, with adequate service to the profile and needs of its users.

Among these actions, the Student Support Service stands out, which aims to objective to serve the academic, offering information and guidance services, enabling them to continue their studies. The SAE guides requests for scholarships, forwards them to paid internships, helps to find housing and provides information for filling out applications and preparing projects.


Frequently Asked Questions

All applications for Scholarships and Research are announced through Public Notices and published on the UNIARP website under the “Publications” link. For SC Government Scholarships, stay tuned for the schedule on the UNIEDU and FIES Portal next to the FIES Portal.

These are options in which the academic subscribes together with the Professor of the Course to participate in a study/research prepared by the professor himself.


February/March/April (UNIEDU).

February/March (FIES)

Full semester (CredIES)Check available dates for Medicine


July/August (UNIEDU)

July/August (FIES)

Full semester (CredIES)Check available dates for Medicine

These periods may be extended depending on UNIARP availability and Government clearance.

No. The availability of courses released by the MeC must be consulted with the UNIARP Student Support Service.

No. The availability of courses and registration periods should be consulted with the UNIARP Student Support Service


SAE Services

City guide

Are you an academic and just arrived in the city? Learn more about Caçador city!


UNIARP has a collection of more than 45 thousand titles available.

Live with the difference booklet

A guide to a respectful coexistence with diversity.



Thanks to government programs, articles of the constitution and other conditions, it is currently possible to apply for some types of scholarship and enjoy benefits with UNIARP. We are constantly looking for alternatives to make it possible for our academics to enter and stay.


SAE documents

Access our list of documents necessary to make your experience at UNIARP the best it can be.


Documentos Necessários

Acesse a nossa lista de documentos necessários para que a sua experiência na UNIARP seja a melhor possível.

Academic Calendar

Fique por dentro de todas as datas e eventos importantes.


A UNIARP tem um acervo com mais de 45 mil títulos disponíveis.