Quem Somos » Uniarp

Paulo Freire

Educador e filósofo brasileiro.

years of history
academic works
hours of classes
specialized laboratories


Learn about UNIARP

On July 31, 1971, the Educational Foundation of Alto Vale do Rio do Peixe (FEARPE) was born. This institution started Caçador’s higher education. Over the years, teaching, research and extension have been developed and in December 2009 the Alto Vale do Rio do Peixe University – UNIARP was created. 

The Alto Vale do Rio do Peixe University (UNIARP) is maintained by the Alto Vale do Rio do Peixe University Foundation – FUNIARP. The foundation is a public entity governed by private law, philanthropic and non-profit, endowed with administrative, patrimonial, economic-financial and didactic-disciplinary autonomy. 

The university is a reference in higher education in the midwest of Santa Catarina. It offers 27 undergraduate courses and encourages professional development with graduate courses at the specialization and master’s level, in addition to extension and research programs. To fully meet the needs of academics and professors, UNIARP makes constant investments in structure, equipment and training. 

UNIARP grows every year, through partnerships and its own resources, bringing to its students and community throughout the region education and social assistance in its different areas of study. To this end, it maintains agreements with several public and private institutions, such as the FIESC, CIDASC, EPAGRI, FAPESC, FUMDES system and others.

Promover a formação profissional e cidadã, ao vincular o ensino, a pesquisa e a extensão ao desenvolvimento das organizações e à sustentabilidade do entorno socioambiental.
Ser reconhecida pela promoção do acesso à educação superior de qualidade e pelo comprometimento com as organizações e com o entorno socioambiental.
• Respeito as pessoas, à cultura e ao meio ambiente.
• Senso de comunidade.
• Gestão consciente.
• Qualidade na prestação de serviços.
• Criatividade, empreendedorismo e inovação.
• Atenção à diversidade.


To promote professional and citizen training, by linking teaching, research and extension to the development of organizations and the sustainability of the socio-environmental environment.


To be recognized for promoting access to quality higher education and for its commitment to organizations and the socio-environmental environment.



Institutional Development Plan

UNIARP presents the Institutional Development Plan (PDI) for the four-year period (2019-2022), which contains the macro-guidelines to be implemented by the HEI in the period with a view to achieving its mission.

See the documents

PDI - 2021-2025

PDI 2020 - Atualização

PDI UNIARP 2019-2022


Social Balance Sheet

The social balance, or sustainability report, is a means of providing transparency to corporate activities, in order to expand the organization’s dialogue with society.

Demonstrações Contábeis

Caçador Campus

Uniarp headquarters is located in Caçador, in the west of Santa Catarina, where over 20 courses are offered.

Rua Victor Baptista Adami – nº 800 – Centro – CEP 89500-199

Fraiburgo Campus

UNIARP also has a campus in Fraiburgo, where it currently offers 8 courses.

Av. Carlos Maister – Das Nações –  Fraiburgo – CEP 89580-000

Relatórios de Sustentabilidade

Balanço Social 2023
Balanço Social 2022
Balanço Social 2021
Balanço Social 2020
Balanço Social 2019
Balanço Social 2018
Balanço Social 2017
Balanço Social 2016
Balanço Social 2015
Balanço Social 2014
Balanço Social 2013
Balanço Social 2012
Balanço Social 2011
Balanço Social 2010
Balanço Social 2009

Demonstrações Contábeis

Demonstrações Contábeis 2023

Academic Calendar

Fique por dentro de todas as datas e eventos importantes.


A UNIARP tem um acervo com mais de 45 mil títulos disponíveis.